Tuesday, July 26, 2011

i am blessed....

have you ever had one of those days when you just feel "down in the dumps!?!" well... today has been one of those days.  shawn is in alaska for a couple of weeks for work and i am sure missing him.  my days and weeks ahead look so big.... this evening i was starting to feel real sorry for myself... until i walked over to the couch and saw these two beautiful faces smiling up at me.  i thought to myself... "shame on you rachel for thinking that way"  those feelings i were having quickly went away and i had such a joyous heart!  how blessed i am that  i get to be there mother and i would never want to wish time away with them.  each and every day i have "teaching moments" and tonight i was taught such a valuable lesson... "love the life you are living"... and that is just how i feel tonight!  i am blessed... i am blessed...  come what may... and love it...  it's so amazing to me how heavenly father is so aware of me and truly knows all my thoughts and feelings... i truly know that i am never alone...

1 comment:

  1. They are the most precious, beautiful little things! Thanks for the reminder...the last couple of days have been 'down in the dumps' for me, too. I'll try to love life a little more today. Love ya!
